Beat the Heat | A/C Maintenance
You’re probably thinking, beat the heat? We haven’t even seen a glimpse of summer yet here in the Okanagan. It’s coming! Check out the Kelowna forecast and you’ll be pleased to see what we did. With the heat on its way, we thought we’d better blast out our summer info, especially regarding A/C maintenance so you’re not left stranded without it.
Here are a few warning signs that indicate a malfunctioning A/C system. If noticing any of these symptoms, it’s best to take your vehicle into Motor Werke for a formal diagnosis:
1. Your A/C airflow has become weaker.
- Mold or mildew may have accumulated from residual moister built up from the cooling process. This prevents the air from traveling through your air vents.
- Your vehicle’s ventilation fan could be broken or no longer sealed.
2. Your A/C is not blowing cold air.
- A failed or damaged component within your air conditioning system may be the cause.
- A clog may have built up, typically caused by excess water or buildup of mold.
- A leak or opened seal has occurred over time.
3. You’re noticing an unpleasant smell coming from your A/C vents.
- Most issues with an A/C system stem from excess moisture, which can cause mold and clogs.
- You may need to replace your air cabin filter.
While these are the most common symptoms that you need A/C maintenance or repair, there are many others as well. Regardless, the best way to keep your vehicle’s A/C from failing is to have it serviced once a year. Contact us at the shop and book your vehicle in today to ensure your A/C doesn’t quit when the Okanagan heat hits and doesn’t let up.
Our team of European auto experts provide service and repair on all European brands such as Audi, Mercedes Benz, Land Rover, Jaguar, Porsche, Volvo, Volkswagen and so much more.